Many of you have probably been wondering what I do. The main
reason I have not written anything on work until now, is because it has been
slow to start.
I am a Community Youth Development
(CYD) Volunteer. This mouthful means that rather than being focused entirely on
English and Teaching English, my focus is more on developing projects that
improve the community and youth. These projects include and are not limited to
social clubs, life skills, summer camps, and training for teachers. My focus
could be in anything. This is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I am free to
design and incorporate projects that fit my skills, but on the other hand it is
very difficult to accurately assess the needs of the community with limited
language skills. Also, it can be hard to get projects going when dealing with
Mongolian Standard Time (see Cultural
Differences Part 2).
Photo from one Halloween Party--I'm the Ghost. |
When the Mongolians ask me what I do, I tell
them I am a social worker (Нийгмийн
Ажилтан) and PCV. This has been
very useful because social workers are a relatively new and prestigious
position in Mongolia. Often when encountering groups of drunk men in Chinggis
Town, I will explain my profession and where I work. It is has been a useful
tool for deterring unwanted attention, because they seem to respect the role of
social worker. I also drop the name of my coworker and that seems to generate
even more respect.
So, what does a school social
worker do in Mongolia? The short answer is everything. Social workers in
schools are perhaps the busiest people, because they are often doing the jobs
of 3 or 4 people. It is not uncommon for a social worker in Mongolia to be in
charge of planning student events and parties, organizing extracurricular
student organizations (Scouts, Student
leadership, Young Doctors, Young
Policemen, etc.), organizing awareness and life skill activities,
collaborating with local police departments on research, collaborating with the
local government as a school representative, discipline of deviant students,
programs for students with special needs, collecting information on students,
working with families that need assistance, etc. There are probably some things
that I have left out, but you get the gist. This naturally leads to hard
working individuals who are overworked, very busy, and unable to complete tasks
efficiently or accurately. Often tasks that seem less important are not completed
or fall by the wayside (e.g. working with
families and students in need).
Photo of second Halloween Party--Kids are watching a scary film. |
So, where do I come in? My school
has 1500 students and is arguably the largest in our aimag. We also have one
social worker. PC has placed me in this school to work directly with him as my
primary counterpart (CP). He is a very capable individual who has mastered the
knack of being in multiple places at once. Some of my coworkers nicknamed him
“The Wind.” This seems to be a suiting description. Sometimes I will be walking
behind him in the school and will stop for a second to say “Hi” to a teacher I
know. When I look up, he will have vanished. I seem to run into him all over
town, but when I need to find him it is almost impossible. The best solution
for locating him is to wait in the office that we share, but that can sometimes
take hours. He also speaks very little English, so we are often communicating
in Monglish (broken English and broken
Mongolian). This can be difficult for projects and collaboration, but I am
studying my Mongolian all the time.
I also have 5 English teachers who
are my secondary counterparts. Their English is pretty good, and they have had
two previous TEFL volunteers, so they are pretty competent teachers too. In the
future, I may also collaborate with the school doctor on health projects. With
the exception of my Social Worker, CP’s are flexible positions. If I find a
teacher that wants to collaborate on a project that person becomes a CP. If I
have a current CP that is not willing to work with me, than I can stop doing
Second Halloween Party--I'm still the ghost |
That’s all good Caleb, but we
still have no idea what you are doing? The short answer is integrating and not
much. I have been slow to push new projects, because I have treated that last
few months as a time to observe and establish myself as a coworker. A lot of
PCV’s come to site expecting to jump right into meaningful work, but the
reality is that things do not move that fast here. So here is a summary of what
I have done and what I would like to do by the end of the year.
September—spent observing counterpart and starting
relationships with various CPs.
S 1. Started an English club for foreign language
teachers, we have been meeting 3-4 times a week. 2.
Attended various athletic competitions both
student and teacher based.
Observed and assisted social worker in
electronically entering student’s personal information to database/ files.
Organized an alcohol awareness meeting for
students in the 10th grade. Social worker presented PowerPoint that
I created. Other speakers from health
department also participated.
Started an English speaking club for students
grade 10-12th. This club meets twice a week for one hour.
Helped plan and put on two Halloween parties for
two different English speaking clubs.
Began planning possible beginners speaking club
for teachers and a movie club.
Began talking about children participation
organizations that social worker and I will be putting on. (My social worker and I are to be in charge of 7 clubs, but with MST
they have not started yet.)
Goals for next semester
Start English movie club that is in the works.
Start beginning English speaking club for
Begin various children clubs that are supposed
to start with social worker.
Start pushing for possible life skills clubs
that might be needed by the school.
Collaborate with school doctor and health PCV on
possible health awareness.
Continue to better improve my Mongolian so as to
make conversation more achievable.
Meet with Child and Family Development Center to
collaborate on Summer camps for next summer.
Continue current English clubs and work with
English CPs
![]() |
Posing with fellow teachers during Chinggis Khan's Birthday |
I hope this helps paint a picture of what I am doing. In
addition to this, I spend a lot of time waiting for the ball to roll on various
activities and have been reading a lot.